Rugged Aluminium housing for AXIS P3245VE
ready for AXIS P3245VEThe new aluminium housing with IK10 Glas allows to mount the AXIS camera in harsh industrial areas .
Available in various colors

stainless steel outdoor housing
made of real steel -Solid Stainless steel housing for corrosive enviroments made in marine Quality 316L can be used for any box camera type. We offer several power sulutions from 230VAC ,12/24VDC or PoE. Also a Infrared Illuminator and all Kind of mountings are available

Clean frontglas
airflow -This is a simple solution for a customer uses the camera in a car wash area. To avoid water drops on the frontglas we made a airbarrier. Can be adapted on nearly all standard camera housings

Subway Berlin
vandal proof design -May you can see the problem on the picture? Berlin Subway office came to me and told me that incase of a very low ceilings in train stations people jumps up, holds to the camera and brake it down. My mission was to find a solution to avoid it. Make a housing which protects the … Continue reading

PTZ camera in stainless steel
Ruggedized high Speed ,high precision PTZ System with full coverage (360 endless pan, 290 tilt range) specially designed & manufactured for operating in harsh enviroment. This series is capable of automatic position correction when it is moved by external force and the anti Vibration and shock proof mechanic make it ideal for on deck marine … Continue reading

Vandal proof corner mount housing
made of real steel -This housing is made to protect the camera. Real steel , a heavy and functional design The housing can be fitted to several camera models, in the past we have moutning brackets inside for AXIS or Panasonic but also we can do new mountings in a easy and fast way. As an Option you can … Continue reading

Protection housing IP65
ready for Gigaset, Panasonic, AGFEO and SNOM -As a feedback from our customers we now offer a protection case IP65 for indoor installations. This housing is smaller then our outdoorhousings and has no heater/fan inside. It will protect the electronic in dusty or moisture areas like warehouses or manufacturing areas . As an option you can order a DIN rail assembly adapter … Continue reading

Magnetic mount
used for temporary installations -the magnetic power can be switched ON/OFF without using a power source. Depending on the Surface it can hold up to 10 KG. Perfect for temporary installations. The design allows mounting on plane surface or poles.

rugged PTZ HD camera
High Quality camera to a affordable price -This is a realy all in one camera solution. It offers a brilliant HD camera picture in a solid camera housing so you can use it in harsh enviroments All this to a affordable price. Choose between 20 or 30xoptical zoom , Control with Panel or Software . The best, it comes with a wiper … Continue reading

NEW!! IP68 housing for DECT
new version our famous IP65 series -The popular IP65 series now beeing advanced with a IP68 Version. Inside you will find all the features you have found before. PoE or 230VAC are available and mountings for PANASONIC, GIGASET , SNOM and other brands

rugged stand alone camera system
perfect for temporary installations -Often the request is for a small and rugged camera System for process control Therefore we can offer this small unit with high Resolution camera. It is small , resistant against Vibration and a smart and inexpensive solution

for temporary installations -This unit will be used for temporary installations like concerts, events ect on a small polemount. So regular polemount adaptors are too big for that. Beside the special color for the dom we also made this unique adapterplate.

Rugged mobile PTZ camera
hold up to 10G -This unique camera model is available as a analog and a IP Version. The housing is made of Aluminium with a real strong mechanic inside . It is a PTZ camera and you can choose between 18, 24 or 36xoptical zoom. We offer a mechanical mounting plate so you can mount it on a Vehicle … Continue reading

PTZ camera special for use on ships
perfect camera for use on ships -Looking for a perfect camera for use on ships you now will say, yes this is it! Now over 20 years we designed and deliverd cameras for use on cargo ships and been faced with all the problems you see there. Vibrations, water and the worst problem of all installation and control. First of all … Continue reading

make your camera special
unique design -with the foil we could give your camera a special touch. There are houndrets different designs available. Give your camera a look like stone or wood, maybe a sportive carbon design. The foil is UV and waterproof so also outdoor ready

Stainless steel housing for fixdom cameras
small housing for corrosive enviroments -Into the housing we made several mounting kits to build inside cameras from different brands. The electronic inside will be protected perfectly against saltwater or other corrosive materials. Customers uses this units on ships, barns or in the foodindustrie. Also used in medical buildings because you can clean it with anti bacterial liquids.

Camera for high preasure reactors
custom made solution -From our customers we got sometimes very special requests. Most we can solve the problem by adapt a finished camera to his requests . In this case we made a complete new camera . Here it was a need that the camera fits perfect into a Observation glas to look into a high preasure reactor. … Continue reading

Color up your camera
for all camera types -well, recently I visited Napels and saw what you never want to see. On subway they colored the cameras in a special blue. Looks like they used a simple spray can.Horrible, mean, its not that old and the camera fades away, dropnose ect ect. This is something you realy wants to see I guess. We … Continue reading

rugged corner housing
made of steel to protect small cameras -For small cameras , called CUBE, we made a real rugged housing many of these units are used in elevators or parking garages. A special edition we made in stainless steel for use on ships. A indoor and outdoor version is available. We offer different versions. Build in light, movement detectors, microfones or speakers

Flexible camera mounting with suction cup
easy and flexible installation -A typical customer request. Make a flexible mounting for our AXIS camera for temporay installations without making a drillhole. The solution was to make a special camera adapter and mount it on a suction cup. Works perfect for indoor installations

custom made solution
from the drawing to the finish version -A example for a complete new development from a custom made housing. You can see pictures from the drawing over the prototyp to the final version. We can make molds for plastic or aluminium or for small qty we can make a solution with CNC machines out of a full aluminium block

Outdoorhousing for Stereo camera
prototype -Time to time customers came to us and want to have a solution for testing the camera in outdoor situations or just for camera protection. Most one peace. Incase of the cost we can´t make a molding for this . Therefore we use standard housings and make it fit to the camera. In addition we … Continue reading

camera system for sleep lab -Special camera System for use in Sleep labs it is a real all in one solution, behind a for human eye invisible screen is a infrared camera ,light source and microfon. You can choose between analog or IP camera modules. It delivers sharp and clear pictures 24/7. Because you didnt see the camera it will … Continue reading

Accupack for indoor use
used for temporary installations -with this small accupack you can make easy and fast temporary camera installations. Sometimes there will be a need to install a camera for a limited time to observe product process, Sales Training or customer counting. In this case you often havent power supply or Network access. Many from our customers uses this unit for … Continue reading

Protection housing IP65 for Dect repeaters
ready for Gigaset, Panasonic, AGFEO , Innovaphone ,SNOM, Yealink, Auerswald and Mitel -We manufacture this product now more then 10 years and this is the thrid generation. The challange here was to build a rugged outdoorhousing without harm the reach from the Dect repeaters. In the Version 2019 we also offer beside a 230VAC heating a full PoE working unit. So you can power up the housing … Continue reading

custom made camera module
special for machine vision -This is our answer for real custom made camera solution many customers where asking us for a complete new camera solution without having high Costs for development. Now we can offer a camera platform which can be customised in any way. It is all in one, you can have your own Firmware, logos, add new … Continue reading

Axis camera in special color
original Porsche color -For this customer we makes his dream comes true. Therefore he gets his camera in the same color as his Porsche